Photos and comments added 7-6-2006
Today I discovered I can paint a set of stairs in one hour, with or without the interference of children!
After a good cleaning last night, and a hearty sweep-down this morning, it was Prime(r) Time! I let it dry a good long time, and then put on the first coat of paint.This is the primer coat.
I have photos, but they are still on my camera. (Not anymore!) I’m painted out of my bedroom and my computer/workroom right now. Since I’m using John’s computer, I’ll have to wait. My computer is the one with the bells and whistles. I’ll post updates as soon as I can get upstairs again. (Which was at 3:30 am on the 5th!)
The paint is a vast improvement already. Even the primer coat looked good. Right now, Jupiter’s Glow looks more like The Great Pumpkin, but it’s still wet. I’ll put a second coat on tomorrow. Then I can burn the painting evidence.
Sarah keeps asking if John will be angry with me. Frankly, if he is, tough. He’s not the one that keeps catching a heel on the old, crappy carpet. Plus, given the shape of the carpet I pulled out, I have to wonder how healthy it was to have it.
With the paint and the carpeted treads I’m going to make, it should be much safer and healthier.
I’m going away for 5 days in August. He can do his version of “While You Were Out” then.