My cell phone went off during a meeting today. I don’t usually have my phone at meetings. But I was headed home right after the meeting, so I had all my gear along.

My phone–did you know it plays the William Tell Overture when it rings? (The Lone Ranger theme, to those of you of a certain age.)

Trumpet blasts and all? Oh yeah, right in the middle of a meeting with a bunch of management folk.

I dive for the phone and run out of the room. The caller hung up before I could answer.

No message, plus it was a Washington state number. Who could be calling me from WA state? I could only come up with two possibilities — Bill Gates or Kyra, a felow blogger. Neither of which have my cell phone number.

Running the number through Google, I found it was the number for the West Seattle YMCA Day Care office.

What a disappointment.

It Wasn’t Bill… or Kyra
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2 thoughts on “It Wasn’t Bill… or Kyra

  • May 14, 2008 at 19:42

    Maybe they wanted to see if you’re interested in signing the girls up for one of their summer camps… LOL!

  • May 14, 2008 at 19:42

    Maybe they wanted to see if you’re interested in signing the girls up for one of their summer camps… LOL!

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