August is a month of panic, even more so than December. It's the end of summer, end of the summer term, State Fair time, no daycare or summer camp, the beginning of the fall term, and get the kids ready for school-gymnastics-Chinese class.
As a kid, I couldn't wait for August to end. I wanted to get back to school. Back to a schedule.
I wish I felt that way as an adult. I do have to admit the panic started when Sarah first started school. Maybe it's the byproduct of having a GoGoBaby (Sarah) that never stops.
I think it's mostly a parental stage, the length of which is determined by how far apart your kids are spread.
I feel like there is so much to do–but I want someone else to do it for me. NOW I need that robot that Rachel has promised to build me.
I need to take a deep breath, and make my lists. How does everyone else cope with end of summer/back to school time?
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