No photos today.
All the odd movement, extra exercise, etc. related to this project has caught up with my body. I think I gained 10 lbs. in water weight overnight; I am so stiff I can barely move.
I had to work today, and had to do a bunch of documentation updates. Oh, my aching fingers!
Laddie and Sydney are a bit spooked by the stairs, especailly Sydney. She is very hesitant about coming upstairs. I think the painted stairs give more traction, frankly.
I’m in the middle of making the stair treads this evening. However, I have discovered I have a problem — I need to finish both cut edges because the carpet frays if you look at it cross-eyed. Which means a trip to Home Depot bright and early in the morning. Good thing I’m only working two days this week.
So, I’m a bit behind on the project. But I should finish it in time.