Dear Readers/Friends/Family –

I am participating in a blogging project, 2996. This project commemorates the people who died on September 11th, 2001. I was assigned the name of Bradley Vadas, a young executive at a brokerage firm in Tower Two. Other bloggers are participating, including my friend Miss Cellania who told me about this project, and another friend, Clueless in Carolina.

If you have a minute or two, jump over to my craft blog, to read my tribute to Brad.

You can also see what others have written by going to the participants list, and clicking on a name.

I tried to make an announcement about this at church this morning, but I botched it up something terrible. You see, other than Miss Cellania, I’ve told no one about my participation in this project. It seemed so private, to be writing a memorial for someone you never met. So, when I decided to talk about it, I was terribly nervous, botched the site URL, and everything. It didn’t help that Sarah was (literally) in my face, wanting to know about this. You know, she hates a secret.

Take a moment to remember those who lost their lives on 9/11/2001 this week.


One of 2,996

One thought on “One of 2,996

  • September 23, 2006 at 15:16

    Somehow I missed this post, and I never knew this had rattled you so much. but I read your tribute, and I think you did a wonderful job on it.

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