About an hour after I published the last robin post, John told me that he saw a third baby bird in the nest. Sure enough, the next day I was able to photograph three babies in the nest. Considering 40%
Rockin’ Robins
In mid-May, we were surprised to find a robin building a nest on top of our deck lights under the awning. John has named the robin Mrs. Robinson, but I call her Mama Bird. Nest building got quite messy with
Busy Sunday Morning
Adelaide and I were jolted out of bed just before 6 am by a flash and a boom. Not a storm, but I think a transformer blew up nearby due to the heat. Since we were wide awake, I tore
Clean House
After a nine month hiatus to get my finances in order, I rehired my cleaning service. They came yesterday, and boy, did they put the spit-shine on the house. I had been doing a stellar job (if I say so
The Return of Summer
Over the course of a couple hours, Summer returned to Minnesota with a vengeance. Between 9am and 11am, the south wind arrived and brought with it the humidity. By 7pm, there were tornado warnings two counties south of us. We
Declaring War on the Fungus Gnats
I’ve been dealing with a fungus gnat infestation since I brought the plants inside in October. I didn’t know what these little flying jerks were for the longest time. They are harmless to humans and pets, but they are annoying
Working a Five Day Week
I’m lucky that I’ve worked for the same place for a very long time, and therefore have accumulated a lot of vacation. Because EVERYTHING was cancelled this year, I had a bunch of time off I had to burn up
Sunday To Do List
Lots of things on the agenda today. Do the laundry, there’s a lot to be folded and put away! Take out the trash and recycling Meal planning Update my schedule in my planner. I have a busy work week and
And It’s a New Year
Happy 2021 to you all. I did something pretty amazing today — I finished my December Journal and my 2020 scrapbook. I’m not sure if all this productivity this year is due to finding my groove or having more time
Not Prepared for the Cold
As a native Minnesotan, it feels strange to admit that I’m not ready to deal with the upcoming cold spell. But there are a couple of reasons why I think I have some justification for this feeling of dread: It