About Those Nails…

Those great nails — totally my own, are a total PITA when typing.  I think they must have hit a critical length over the weekend. I can’t type without hitting other keys today.

I’ll have to get them significantly shortened when I go in for my mani on Friday.

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Cooking Healthy is Dangerous

In the course of making butternut squash mac and cheese, a “healthy” meal, I:
— set a towel on fire
— blew the top off the blender with hot liquid inside
— burned myself on the hot, exploding blender fluid
— dropped and broke the kitchen telephone
— repeatedly boiled things over on the stove.

None of this would have happened if I had ordered a pizza.


I’m using the non-traditional meaning of that abbreviation: I’ve Been Moved. I’ve been sent over to the old bldg at work, to be part of a special project.

I have a new view. Isn’t it lovely? (please note excessive sarcasm) I knew my window seat wouldn’t last, but I was hoping to be able to see all four seasons through that window. Oh well.

To Do List

Things I need to do before school starts on Sept. 7th:
— Set up a coffee day with Amy and Leslie
— Set up another Trader Joe’s munch-fest at the Edgcumbe Rec Center
— Psych up for the next semester at Metro
— Prep for job interview, if I get that far
— Weed the backyard
— Weed the front yard
— Plant the stuff I bought in May that is still sitting in the backyard, if it survived the summer of neglect
— Find more fresh basil to eat and dehydrate
— Spend more time on the back deck
— Get a pedicure
— Try out that Shellac nail polish, to see if it’s the real deal
— Have another spa night with the girls. Putting cuke slices on her eyes sent Sarah into giggle mode.
— Prepare to lose my window and view at work, and move back to the dark center of the building (boo, hiss)
— Clean up the roses
— Buy bulbs for the reconstructed bulb bed
— Schedule a haircut for the dogs
— Oh,yeah… relax. HA!

Life With The Eldest

A one minute clip from this YouTube video sums up my life right now.

The whole thing is funny, but the apart most applicable to me starts at 50 second into the video.

It’s safe, clean, and funny.  Enjoy.  Then, feel pity for me.

Just remembered this one. Enjoy!