The kids are in bed after watching “A Christmas Story” (our new catch-phrase is “you’ll shoot your eye out”). I have a few more presents to wrap and a stocking or two to stuff. Then a quick household tidy-up and
Absence Makes the Mind Go Wander
Been a long time. I wonder how many of you have given up on me? Well, here’s some of the scoop. As some of you know all too well, we have been dealing with some health issues with my husband.
The High Price of Gas
A few scenes from the Wall household: Scene 1: Herring, Sweet Potatoes, and LaddieRan out of dog food the other day. Remembered on a Saturday late morning as I was driving through the vast commercial wilderness known as Cottage Grove.
Yeastie Boy and Rhel
Oh yes, another post about Laddie. He now has a yeast infection in his right ear, and the left one looks not too good either. Another vet trip. Dr. C. said, “Laddie, you’ve been here entirely too much in your
Baby Boy Turns One!
Happy Birthday to Laddie! The Baby Boy is one year old today. Here’s a photo of him chewing on his Isaac Mizrahi doggie cell phone. (it was on sale at Target…) He started out his day, in typical Laddie fashion,
Screamin’ Sydney
I found a new way to see your neighbors all at once. Sit out on the deck with your two hyper Scotties. Ask a bunny to walk across the yard, then sit right in the view of the Scotties. And
Next Crisis, Please
These past three weekends have been Hell on Wheels. In addition, the fun spills into the week. The last two weeks have been dedicated to Laddie’s digestion. While unsupervised, he ate the insole of John’s shoe. It didn’t want to
John’s Doggy Anatomy Lesson
I have to wonder about my husband’s upbringing. He had a male dog as a child, but seems to know absolutely nothing about male dog anatomy. Thank goodness he is married to me, who has a BS in Natural Science
Diaper Boy(s)
I took this picture at Sarah’s request, because her friends at school don’t believe that her puppy wears a diaper.It looks more like a cumberbun, but it does the trick. Oh, it is bliss not to be mopping pup-pee off
Happy Christmas to All…
… and best wishes for a fabulous 2006! Here’s the picture of “The Kids” I included in the Christmas card:Compared with the 2004 picture:Macalester is gone.Rachel’s not a baby anymore, but truly a little girl.Laddie Macalester is doing a fine