Laddie has been a pee machine. I think he’s marking territory, even though he’s neutered. He needed his shots, so I brought him to the vet this afternoon. Before I left, John told me how he thought Laddie was subdued,
Laddie Settles In
Here are a couple update photos of Laddie Macalester. He’s no longer on his best behavior, and is starting to act like a typically mischievious Scottie puppy. I had purchased a little doggy bed to go in my work area.
Better late than never, eh? Hard to believe that Halloween was almost 6 weeks ago. I talked the girls into being ghosts this year. I always wanted to be a ghost, so this is how I was fulfilling my childhood
Unexpected Good News
We have a new Scottie puppy, since Thanksgiving night. The puppy is one of Macalester’s brothers. The breeder was never able to sell the last boy puppy. They concluded there was some mysterious reason why this puppy needed to stay
Merry Macalester Edina 7/23/2005 – 11/19/2005
Before the really cute haircut given to her by Sally the Groomer. I’ll miss you terribly, little one. You brought alot of joy in a very short amount of time.
Sad News
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. We got busy with Halloween, and I meant to post pictures of the girls in their costumes. Then November came, and I got sick with the bug that has been going around here.
Puppy Time Out
Last week, John was looking for Macalester and couldn’t find her anywhere. As he freaked out, she suddenly made an appearance from her hiding place. You can understand why he didn’t see her — she does sort of look like
Is That a Zucchini in the Dog House? Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
Our neighbor Lynn has a green thumb. She grows zucchini and squash that are huge. The plants take over her yard and part of ours as well. It’s a summer tradition. Lynn has so many zucchini this year, she’s decided
Blood Relatives
Our big family joke was that the only blood relatives in our house were the dogs — Macalester I (aunt) and Sydney (niece on her mom’s side). Even the kids got a laugh out of the fact (well, Sarah understood
Exciting Days!
Yesterday and today were exciting at the Wall household! On Tuesday, Sarah (finally) went back to school. She has been edgy and anxious all summer, and it escalated in the last month. She complained that she wasn’t learning anything in