Our black-haired girls at Easter. From left to right: Rachel, Macalester, Sydney, and Sarah
Easter Sydney
Sydney as the Easter Bunny
Catching Up
It’s been a bit since I posted here. I hope no one worried. Although we had more ups and downs with Macalester, this past week has been a good one for her. We’ve now gone one week without vomiting. That
Another Update
Macalester’s health seems to be improving. But I’ve learned that as soon as I do that, she gets sick again. So, I’m waiting to hear those familiar barfing noises from the kitchen. So you might ask, how is the rest
Another Set of Setbacks
About an hour after I sent the update Thursday night about how well Macalester was doing, she barfed. After consulting with the vet, it was back to water only overnight, a tablespoon of food on Friday. She did OK, then
But as of right now, Macalester has been barf-free 62 hours. At hour 35, I fed her a teaspoon of food. When that stayed down, Macalester graduated to a tablespoon of food, three times a day. So far, so good.
Macalester Update
Macalester came home Saturday with a new diet, special instructions, and a warning from the vet that she has not recovered — she is home to recuperate. Things have been rocky, as Macalester hasn’t been able to keep down the
Macalester is Ill
It’s been a rough week. Sarah and I were sick most of last week, and I noticed that Sydney and Macalester were ill as well. Sydney seemed to bounce back, but by this past Tuesday night, it was clear to
All Dressed Up for Christmas
Macalester at Christmas time